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City Council Minutes 05/15/2003
May 15, 2003
Regular Council MEETING and Budget Work Session

Roll Call - Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey Present.

Mayor Carnicelli, Bea O’Hora, Comptroller and City Manager John Salomone arrived at 6:35PM returning from a meeting in NYC with Moody’s regarding the City’s Bond Rating.  Councilor McNabb sat in for the Mayor from 6:00 to 6:30PM.

City Staff Present – John Salomone, City Manager;Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel; City Clerk Debra McCormick; Bea O’Hora, Comptroller; Lisa Green, Assistant Comptroller; Police Chief Gary Giannotta; Fire Chief Mike Quill; Marie Nellenback, Treasurer; Sue Chandler Assessor; Mike Long, Cindy Aikman, Planning Managers; Steve Lynch, Director of Planning.  

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations –
Councilor McNabb read a Proclamation from the Mayor recognizing Buddy Poppy Days and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.  VFW Commander Joe Barwinczak accepted and thanked the City.

Councilor McNabb read a Letter of Commendation from Mayor Carnicelli to Michael J. Cuddy Sr. honoring him for his work in the creation of the Historic Resources Advisory Board, which was created in 1987 and continues to contribute to the historic preservation of the city.  Mr. Cuddy accepted and thanked Council.

Councilor McNabb read a Letter of Commendation from Mayor Carnicelli to Lawrence Liberatore, AIA.  Mr. Liberatore was a founding member of the Historic Resource Advisory Board created in 1987.  He served on the board for 13 years.  Mr. Liberatore accepted and thanked Council.

Councilor McNabb read a proclamation to proclaim May 5 – 12, 2003 as National Historic Preservation Week in the City of Auburn.  Mike Deming Chairman of the Historic Resource Review Board accepted and thanked Council.  He introduced Ellen Clark HRRB member.  Ms. Clark read a brief history of the South St. area.  Mr. Deming then presented the following Historic Resource Review Board awards:

?       Property at 50 South St.  - Mr. Gary Finch (Mrs. Finch accepting in his absence) Methodist Church Men’s Club and Brenda Holland, Community Preservation Committee Executive Director.
?       108 South St. – Unity House, Joyce Williams Executive Director
?       Mike Long, City of Auburn Planning Manager for service to the committee and dedication to historic preservation.

Councilor McNabb thanked everyone and called for a 5 minute recess at 6:30PM

Meeting resumed at 6:45PM.  Mayor Carnicelli called the meeting back to order.

Public Announcements – None

Presentations of Petitions and Communications – Clerk read.

Ordinances and Local Laws – None

Work Session –

Budget Discussion – The City Manager reviewed the following Department Budgets and City Council discussed:

        General Government
                Mayor and Council
                City Clerk
                City Manager
                Corporation Counsel
                Commissions & Boards
                Planning and Economic Development

Other Business –
Councilor McNabb commented that there should be a freeze on all salary raises for city employees.

Councilor Hunter thanked the Department of Public Works for the quick work getting the footers in for the Veterans Memorial.

Councilor Hunter asked the City Manager for an update on the morning meeting with Moody’s.  The Manager and Mayor responded.

Councilor Hunter asked for an update on status of petition to PERB to have the Deputy City Clerk’s position removed from the union.  He asked to meet with Corporation Counsel as early as possible to get the paper work done.

Councilor Dempsey reported that the AIDA board and Community Computer have a PILOT agreement to facilitate their expansion.  

Councilor Dempsey commented on the trip to NYC to meet with Moody’s.

Mayor Carnicelli commented on the Moody’s presentation on the financial status of the city.

Mayor Carnicelli asked if Council would want to postpone the Deputy City Clerks appointment until the PERB issue is resolved.  None were interested.

Mayor Carnicelli reported that Dr. Stankus and his family are donating time and product to landscape the front of City Hall.  The Mayor thanked them for this gift.

Mayor Carnicelli reported that Baumes Greenhouse will be donating flowers to be planted at Freedom Park.  These will be planted in time for the Memorial Weekend pilgrimage in honor of Harriet Tubman.

Public to be Heard –
Tim Lattimore, 7 Norman Ave. – spoke to Council about the meeting with Moody’s for an improved bond rating and the maintenance of city streets and roads.

Recap – Clerk read.

Motion for Executive Session at 8:30; ending at 9:55PM

Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 10:00PM.